Image Comics 25th Anniversary

Image Comics is celebrating 25 years on Wednesday Feb. 1st!
Celebrate at all three Collectors Corner locations with a great in-store discount.
25% off ALL Image Comics trade paperbacks and hardcover collections!
Plus Walking Dead #163 will be out the same day and is only $0.25!
New story arc: "Conquered". In the aftermath of he Whisperer War...all is lost!
Plus, get a FREE "Image Classics 25th Anniversary Edition" with any Image Comics purchase. Available at all three Collectors Corner locations while supplies last!
25th Anniversary Edition Image Comics celebrates 25 years of creator-owned classics! Dive into this list of milestone series and discover the comics that have made the careers of countless writers and artists and changed the lives of readers everywhere. From Spawn to Monstress this special round-up gives readers a history of the company's best series, how they came to prominence and shook up the industry, and why they continue to resonate with and will influence audiences worldwide for years to come.