Day After X-Mas & New Year Countdown Sale!

CC Day After X-Mas & 2017 New Year Countdown Sale!
12/26 - 01/01
Mon. 12/26 - Fri. 12/30
20% off board games*
20% off softcover graphic novels*
25% off hardcover graphic novels*
30% bagged & boarded back issues
30% off action figures, toys, and statues*
$1 Bin comics only $0.50 each or 3 for $1
$11.99 FUNKO POP figures 2 for $20 or 5 for $45*
New Year's Eve - Saturday 12/31
Open 11:00am-8:00pm
50% off nearly everything in the store!*
(Some exclusions apply, see the bottom of this post)
$1 Bin comics only $0.50 each or 3 for $1
$11.99 FUNKO POP figures 2 for $20 or 5 for $45*
New Year's Day - Sun. 1/1
Open 12:00pm-6:00pm
40% off nearly everything in the store!*
(Some exclusions apply, see the bottom of this post)
50% off bagged & boarded back issues!*
$1 Bin comics only $0.50 each or 3 for $1
$11.99 FUNKO POP figures 2 for $20 or 5 for $45*
Keep an eye out for year end clearance added to each day of the sale! Graphic novels, toys, and back issues as low as $1!
SALE EXCLUSIONS - subscription titles and special orders, sealed Trading Card Game product (includes Magic the Gathering, YuGiOh, Pokemon, etc.), HeroClix product, collecting supplies for comics and gaming, FUNKO POP and ReAction figures, sealed blind boxes and bags, video games and consoles, Gundam models, RPG miniatures (includes D&D, Pathfinder, and Reaper Bones), Cards Against Humanity, snacks and drinks, and any items within 30 days of release