CC New Comics Wednesday 9/21/22

#NewComicsWednesday #NewComicsDay #LocalComicShop #LCBS #CollectorsCornerMD #MarvelComics #DcComics #ImageComics

CC New Arrivals @ Collectors Corner : WEDNESDAY - 9/21/22.

Collectors Corner Parkville - HQ : OPEN for IN STORE SHOPPING -
1-410-668-3353. CC Parkville - 2022 STORE HOURS, Sunday 12-6, Mon-Tues 12-7, Wed 9-8, Thurs 11-7, Friday & Saturday 11-8.

Collectors Corner - Bel Air Outpost Location : OPEN for IN STORE SHOPPING - 1-410-838-1777. CC Bel Air - 2022 STORE HOURS, Sunday 11-5, Monday/Tuesday - Closed, Wednesday 11-8, Thursday 11-7, Friday/Saturday 11-8.

Complete list of items shipping to the stores, some items may be limited in availability. If you see anything you want to purchase on the list and are not a subscription member at Collectors Corner, just contact us and let us know if you want an item held at the stores

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Animal Castle Volume 1 HC (Limited Signed Edition), $99.00
Elles #2 (Cover A Aveline Stokart), $3.99
Elles #2 (Cover B Mel Milton), $3.99
Elles #2 (Cover C Aveline Stokart Virgin Variant), AR

Where Starships Go To Die #4, $3.99

Justice Warriors #4 (Cover A Ben Clarkson), $4.99
Justice Warriors #4 (Cover B Matt Bors), AR

A Very Archie Christmas TP, $12.99
Big Ethel Energy Volume 1 TP, $17.99
Chilling Adventures Presents Weirder Mysteries #1 (Cover A Adam Gorham), $3.99
Chilling Adventures Presents Weirder Mysteries #1 (Cover B Aaron Lea), $3.99
World Of Archie Jumbo Comics Digest #123, $8.99

Fearless Dawn #1 (Of 4)(Cover A Steve Mannion), $2.95

Absolution #3, $3.99

All-New Firefly #8 (Cover A Mona Finden), $4.99
All-New Firefly #8 (Cover B Ethan Young Wanted Poster Variant), $4.99
All-New Firefly #8 (Cover C Chris Wildgoose Virgin Variant), AR
Angel Volume 1 TP (not verified by Diamond Distribution), $16.99
BRZRKR #10 (Of 12)(Cover A Ron Garney), $3.99
BRZRKR #10 (Of 12)(Cover B Kevin Eastman), $3.99
BRZRKR #10 (Of 12)(Cover C Ron Garney Foil Variant), $4.99
BRZRKR #10 (Of 12)(Cover D Kevin Eastman Foil Variant), $4.99
BRZRKR Volume 2 TP, $16.99
Grim #4 (2nd Printing Cover A Flaviano), $3.99
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Megazord Pack #1, $39.99
Orcs The Curse #3 (Of 4)(Cover A Christine Larsen), $5.99
Orcs The Curse #3 (Of 4)(Cover B Andrew MacLean), $5.99
Stuff Of Nightmares #1 (Of 4)(Cover A Francesco Francavilla), $4.99
Stuff Of Nightmares #1 (Of 4)(Cover B Tim Jacobus), $4.99
Stuff Of Nightmares #1 (Of 4)(Cover C Francesco Francavilla Glow In The Dark Variant), $5.99
Stuff Of Nightmares #1 (Of 4)(Cover D Tim Jacobus Glow In The Dark Variant), $5.99
Wynd The Throne In The Sky #1 (Of 5)(2nd Printing Cover A Michael Dialynas), $5.99
Wynd The Throne In The Sky #2 (Of 5)(Cover A Michael Dialynas), $5.99
Wynd The Throne In The Sky #2 (Of 5)(Cover B Jorge Corona), $5.99
Wynd The Throne In The Sky #2 (Of 5)(Cover C Jorge Corona Virgin Variant), AR
Wynd The Throne In The Sky #2 (Of 5)(Cover D Jenny Frison Virgin Variant), AR
Wynd The Throne In The Sky #2 (Of 5)(Cover E Michael Dialynas Virgin Variant), AR

Comic Shop News #1831, AR
Comic Shop News 2022 Fall Preview, AR

Daisy HC, $24.99
Frankenstein New World #2 (Of 4)(Cover A Peter Bergting), $3.99
Frankenstein New World #2 (Of 4)(Cover B David Hitchcock), $3.99
Grendel Omnibus Volume 2 Legacy TP (2nd Edition), $29.99
Lonesome Hunters #4 (Of 4)(Cover A Tyler Crook), $3.99
Parasomnia The Dreaming God #2 (Of 4)(Cover A Andrea Mutti), $3.99
Parasomnia The Dreaming God #2 (Of 4)(Cover B Vanesa R. Del Rey), $3.99
Pearl III #5 (Of 6)(Cover A Michael Gaydos), $3.99
Pearl III #5 (Of 6)(Cover B Zu Orzu), $3.99
Shaolin Cowboy Cruel To Be Kin #5 (Of 7)(Cover A Geof Darrow), $4.99
Shaolin Cowboy Cruel To Be Kin #5 (Of 7)(Cover B Katsuya Terada), $4.99
Shaolin Cowboy Cruel To Be Kin #5 (Of 7)(Cover C Fábio Moon), $4.99
Shinjuku HC (2nd Edition), $49.99
Star Wars Hyperspace Stories #2 (Of 12)(Cover A Megan Huang), $3.99
Star Wars Hyperspace Stories #2 (Of 12)(Cover B Jack T. Cole), $3.99
Young Hellboy Assault On Castle Death #2 (Of 4)(Cover A Matt Smith), $3.99
Young Hellboy Assault On Castle Death #2 (Of 4)(Cover B Michael Avon Oeming), $3.99

Action Comics #1 (Facsimile Edition)(2022), $6.99
Batman No Man’s Land Omnibus Volume 2 HC, $150.00
Batman One Bad Day Two-Face #1 (One Shot)(Cover A Javier Fernandez), $7.99
Batman One Bad Day Two-Face #1 (One Shot)(Cover B Jim Lee), $7.99
Batman One Bad Day Two-Face #1 (One Shot)(Cover C Stanley Artgerm Lau), AR
Batman One Bad Day Two-Face #1 (One Shot)(Cover D Christian Ward), AR
Batman One Bad Day Two-Face #1 (One Shot)(Cover E Brian Bolland), AR
Batman One Bad Day Two-Face #1 (One Shot)(Cover F Giuseppe Camuncoli Premium Variant), $7.99
Batman Superman World’s Finest #7 (Cover A Dan Mora), $3.99
Batman Superman World’s Finest #7 (Cover B Joshua Middleton Card Stock Variant), $4.99
Batman Superman World’s Finest #7 (Cover C Pete Woods Card Stock Variant), AR
Batman Superman World’s Finest #7 (Cover D Todd Nauck Card Stock Variant), AR
Batman Superman World’s Finest #7 (Cover F Dan Mora Card Stock Variant), $4.99
Batman Superman World’s Finest #7 (Cover G Dan Mora Foil Card Stock Variant), AR
Batman The Knight #9 (Of 10)(Cover A Carmine Di Giandomenico), $4.99
Batman The Knight #9 (Of 10)(Cover B Riccardo Federici Card Stock Variant), $5.99
Black Adam #4 (Cover A Irvin Rodriguez), $3.99
Black Adam #4 (Cover B Rafa Sandoval Card Stock Variant), $4.99
Black Adam #4 (Cover C Taurin Clarke Card Stock Variant), $4.99
Black Adam #4 (Cover D Pamela Hoogeboom Punk Rock Tablet Card Stock Variant), AR
Black Adam The Dark Age TP (New Edition), $16.99
Blue Beetle Jaime Reyes Volume 1 TP, $29.99
Catwoman #47 (Cover A Jeff Dekal), $3.99
Catwoman #47 (Cover B Sozomaika Card Stock Variant), $4.99
Catwoman #47 (Cover C Tula Lotay Card Stock Variant), AR
Dark Crisis Young Justice #4 (Of 6)(Cover A Max Dunbar), $3.99
Dark Crisis Young Justice #4 (Of 6)(Cover B Sergio Acuna Card Stock Variant), $4.99
Dark Knights Of Steel Volume 1 HC, $24.99
DC Vs Vampires All-Out War #3 (Of 6)(Cover A Alan Quah), $3.99
DC Vs Vampires All-Out War #3 (Of 6)(Cover B Lesley Leirix Li Card Stock Variant), $4.99
DC Vs Vampires All-Out War #3 (Of 6)(Cover C James Stokoe Card Stock Variant), AR
DCeased War Of The Undead Gods #2 (Of 8)(Cover A Howard Porter), $3.99
DCeased War Of The Undead Gods #2 (Of 8)(Cover B Kael Ngu Acetate Card Stock Variant), $4.99
DCeased War Of The Undead Gods #2 (Of 8)(Cover C Dan Mora Homage Card Stock Variant), $4.99
DCeased War Of The Undead Gods #2 (Of 8)(Cover D Francesco Mattina Card Stock Variant), AR
DCeased War Of The Undead Gods #2 (Of 8)(Cover E Sun Khamunaki Card Stock Variant), AR
Duo #5 (Cover A Dike Ruan), $3.99
Duo #5 (Cover B Cathy Kwan Card Stock Variant), $4.99
Fables #155 (Of 162)(Cover A Qistina Khalidah), $3.99
Fables #155 (Of 162)(Cover B Mark Buckingham Card Stock Variant), $4.99
Flash #786 (Cover A Taurin Clarke)(Dark Crisis), $3.99
Flash #786 (Cover B George Kambadais Card Stock Variant)(Dark Crisis), $4.99
Flash #786 (Cover C Kim Jacinto Harley Quinn 30th Anniversary Card Stock Variant)(Dark Crisis), $4.99
Flash #786 (Cover D Daniel Sampere & Alejandro Sanchez Card Stock Variant)(Dark Crisis), AR
Harley Quinn 30th Anniversary Special #1 (One Shot)(Cover A Amanda Conner), $9.99
Harley Quinn 30th Anniversary Special #1 (One Shot)(Cover B J. Scott Campbell), $9.99
Harley Quinn 30th Anniversary Special #1 (One Shot)(Cover C Stanley Artgerm Lau), $9.99
Harley Quinn 30th Anniversary Special #1 (One Shot)(Cover D Jerome Opena), $9.99
Harley Quinn 30th Anniversary Special #1 (One Shot)(Cover E Bruce Timm), $9.99
Harley Quinn 30th Anniversary Special #1 (One Shot)(Cover F Terry Dodson & Rachel Dodson), $9.99
Harley Quinn 30th Anniversary Special #1 (One Shot)(Cover G Lee Bermejo), $9.99
Harley Quinn 30th Anniversary Special #1 (One Shot)(Cover H Stjepan Sejic), $9.99
Harley Quinn 30th Anniversary Special #1 (One Shot)(Cover I Adam Hughes), $9.99
Harley Quinn 30th Anniversary Special #1 (One Shot)(Cover J Amanda Conner), AR
Harley Quinn 30th Anniversary Special #1 (One Shot)(Cover K Stanley Artgerm Lau Foil Variant), AR
Harley Quinn 30th Anniversary Special #1 (One Shot)(Cover L Adam Hughes Foil Variant), AR
Harley Quinn 30th Anniversary Special #1 (One Shot)(Cover M Frank Cho), $9.99
Harley Quinn And The Gotham City Sirens Omnibus HC (2022 Edition), $100.00
Looney Tunes #268, $2.99
Nightwing #96 (Cover A Bruno Redondo), $3.99
Nightwing #96 (Cover B Jamal Campbell Card Stock Variant), $4.99
Nightwing #96 (Cover C Alan Quah Harley Quinn 30th Anniversary Card Stock Variant), $4.99
Nightwing #96 (Cover D Sergio Acuna Card Stock Variant), AR
Robin Volume 2 I Am Robin TP, $19.99
Titans United Bloodpact #1 (Of 6)(Cover A Eddy Barrows), $3.99
Titans United Bloodpact #1 (Of 6)(Cover B Derrick Chew Card Stock Variant), $4.99
Titans United Bloodpact #1 (Of 6)(Cover C Jorge Molina Hispanic Heritage Month Card Stock Variant), $4.99
Titans United Bloodpact #1 (Of 6)(Cover D Taurin Clarke Card Stock Variant), AR
Titans United Bloodpact #1 (Of 6)(Cover E Stephen Byrne Card Stock Variant), AR
War For Earth-3 TP, $16.99

Dejah Thoris Vs John Carter John Carter Of Mars TP, $19.99
Draculina #6 (Cover A Collette Turner), $3.99
Draculina #6 (Cover B Shannon Maer), $3.99
Draculina #6 (Cover C Guillem March), $3.99
Draculina #6 (Cover D Rafael Kayanan), $3.99
Elvira In Horrorland #4 (Cover A Dave Acosta), $3.99
Elvira In Horrorland #4 (Cover B John Royle), $3.99
Elvira In Horrorland #4 (Cover C Silvia Califano), $3.99
Elvira In Horrorland #4 (Cover D Photo), $3.99
Elvira In Horrorland #4 (Cover E Dave Acosta Black & White Variant), AR
KISS Phantom Obsession TP, $19.99
Lady Hel #2 (Cover A Lucio Parrillo), $3.99
Lady Hel #2 (Cover B Geebo Vigonte), $3.99
Lady Hel #2 (Cover C Mike Mahle), $3.99
Lady Hel #2 (Cover D Daniel Maine), $3.99
Samurai Sonja #4 (Cover A Clayton Henry), $3.99
Samurai Sonja #4 (Cover B Lesley Leirix Li), $3.99
Samurai Sonja #4 (Cover C Pasquale Qualano), $3.99
Samurai Sonja #4 (Cover D Zulema Lavina), $3.99
Samurai Sonja #4 (Cover E Gracie The Cosplay Lass Cosplay Variant), $3.99
Samurai Sonja #4 (Cover F Lesley Leirix Li Black & White Variant), AR
Vampirella Strikes Volume 2 #5 (Cover A Lucio Parrillo), $3.99
Vampirella Strikes Volume 2 #5 (Cover B Stephen Segovia), $3.99
Vampirella Strikes Volume 2 #5 (Cover C Junggeun Yoon), $3.99
Vampirella Strikes Volume 2 #5 (Cover D Ben Caldwell), $3.99

Poe Clan Volume 2 HC, $39.99
Red Room Trigger Warnings TP, $22.99
Walt Disney’s Donald Duck Volume 2 A Christmas For Shacktown HC (New Printing), $35.00

Crashing #1 (Cover A Morgan Beem), $3.99
Crashing #1 (Cover B Jorge Corona), $3.99
Crashing #1 (Cover C Liana Kangas), $3.99
Doughnuts And Doom GN, $14.99
Dragon Puncher Volume 3 Dragon Puncher Punches Back HC (Top Shelf Productions), $9.99
G.I. Joe A Real American Hero #298 (Cover A S. L. Gallant), $3.99
G.I. Joe A Real American Hero #298 (Cover B Jamie Sullivan), $3.99
G.I. Joe A Real American Hero #298 (Cover C John Royle), AR
Order Of The Night Jay Volume 1 The Forest Beckons GN, $14.95
Transformers Best Of Starscream #1 (One Shot)(Cover A James Biggie), $6.99
Usagi Yojimbo #31 (Cover A Stan Sakai), $3.99
Usagi Yojimbo #31 (Cover B Peach Momoko), AR
Usagi Yojimbo #31 (Cover C Peach Momoko), AR

20th Century Men #2 (Of 6)(Cover A S. Morian), $3.99
20th Century Men #2 (Of 6)(Cover B Dan Panosian), $3.99
Arrowsmith Volume 2 Behind Enemy Lines TP, $16.99
Beware The Eye Of Odin #4 (Of 4)(Cover A Tim Odland & Michelle Madsen), $4.99
Blood Stained Teeth Volume 1 Bite Me TP (not verified by Diamond Distribution), $16.99
Creepshow #1 (Of 5)(Cover A Chris Burnham), $3.99
Creepshow #1 (Of 5)(Cover B Declan Shalvey), $3.99
Creepshow #1 (Of 5)(Cover C Vance Kelly), AR
Creepshow #1 (Of 5)(Cover D Blank Variant), $3.99
Deadliest Bouquet #2 (Of 5)(Cover A Adriana Melo), $3.99
Gunslinger Spawn #12 (Cover A Tonton Revolver), $2.99
Gunslinger Spawn #12 (Cover B Brett Booth), $2.99
Ice Cream Man #32 (Cover A Martin Morazzo & Chris O’Halloran), $3.99
Ice Cream Man #32 (Cover B Caspar Wijngaard), $3.99
Ice Cream Man #32 (Cover C Frazer Irving), $3.99
Lady Mechanika Volume 7 The Monster Of The Ministry Of Hell TP, $12.99
Manifest Destiny #47 (Cover A Matthew Roberts), $3.99
Nita Hawes’ Nightmare Blog #8 (Cover A Szymon Kudranski), $3.99
Nita Hawes’ Nightmare Blog #8 (Cover B Jason Shawn Alexander), $3.99
Public Domain #4 (Cover A Chip Zdarsky), $3.99
Radiant Black #18 (Cover A Stefano Simeone), $3.99
Radiant Black #18 (Cover B Paris Alleyne), $3.99
Radiant Black #18 (Cover C Tom Whalen), AR
Rogues’ Gallery #3 (Cover A Caspar Wijngaard), $3.99
Rogues’ Gallery #3 (Cover B Justin Mason & Triona Farrell), $3.99
Shirtless Bear-Fighter 2 #2 (Of 7)(Cover A Dave Johnson), $3.99
Shirtless Bear-Fighter 2 #2 (Of 7)(Cover B Tom Fowler), $3.99
Shirtless Bear-Fighter 2 #2 (Of 7)(Cover C Eric Powell), AR
Vanish #1 (Cover A Ryan Stegman), $3.99
Vanish #1 (Cover B Daniel Warren Johnson), $3.99
Vanish #1 (Cover C Blank Variant), $3.99
Vanish #1 (Cover D Ed McGuinness), AR
Vanish #1 (Cover E Greg Capullo), AR
Vanish #1 (Cover F Ryan Stegman), AR
Vanish #1 (Cover G Daniel Warren Johnson Raw Variant), AR
Vanish #1 (Cover H Ed McGuinness Raw Variant), AR
Vanish #1 (Cover I Greg Capullo Raw Variant), AR
Vanish #1 (Cover J Ryan Stegman Raw Variant), AR
Walking Dead Deluxe #47 (Cover A David Finch & Dave McCaig), $3.99
Walking Dead Deluxe #47 (Cover B Charlie Adlard & Dave McCaig), $3.99
Walking Dead Deluxe #47 (Cover C Pablo Rivera), $3.99
Walking Dead Deluxe #47 (Cover D Julian Totino Tedesco), $3.99

Potions Inc. #4 (Of 5), $3.99
Tiger’s Tongue #3 (Cover A Odera Igbokwe), $3.99
Tiger’s Tongue #3 (Cover B Odera Igbokwe), $3.99

A.X.E. Judgment Day #5 (Of 6)(Cover A Mark Brooks), $4.99
A.X.E. Judgment Day #5 (Of 6)(Cover B InHyuk Lee), AR
A.X.E. Judgment Day #5 (Of 6)(Cover C Lucas Werneck Women Of A.X.E. Variant), AR
A.X.E. Judgment Day #5 (Of 6)(Cover D Peach Momoko), AR
A.X.E. Judgment Day #5 (Of 6)(Cover E Todd Nauck Wraparound Variant), AR
A.X.E. Judgment Day #5 (Of 6)(Cover F Terry Dodson), AR
A.X.E. Judgment Day #5 (Of 6)(Cover G Mark Brooks Virgin Variant), AR
Avengers #60 (Cover A Javier Garron), $3.99
Avengers #60 (Cover B Frank Martin Beyond Amazing Spider-Man Variant), AR
Avengers Forever #9 (Cover A Aaron Kuder), $3.99
Avengers Forever #9 (Cover B Chase Conley Beyond Amazing Spider-Man Variant), AR
Avengers Forever #9 (Cover C Leonardo Romero Marvel’s Voices Community Variant), AR
Carnage #6 (Cover A Kendrick Kunkka Lim), $3.99
Carnage #6 (Cover B Declan Shalvey), AR
Edge Of The Spider-Verse #4 (Of 5)(Cover A Josemaria Casanovas), $4.99
Edge Of The Spider-Verse #4 (Of 5)(Cover B Helen Chen), AR
Edge Of The Spider-Verse #4 (Of 5)(Cover C Helen Chen Design Variant), AR
Fantastic Four #47 (Cover A CAFU), $3.99
Fantastic Four #47 (Cover B Russell Dauterman), AR
Fantastic Four #47 (Cover C John Tyler Christopher Beyond Amazing Spider-Man Variant), AR
Iron Cat #4 (Of 5)(Cover A Pere Perez), $3.99
Iron Cat #4 (Of 5)(Cover B Kei Zama), AR
Jane Foster And The Mighty Thor #4 (Of 5)(Cover A Ryan Stegman), $3.99
Jane Foster And The Mighty Thor #4 (Of 5)(Cover B Peach Momoko), AR
Legion Of X #5 (Cover A Dike Ruan), $3.99
Mech Strike Monster Hunters #4 (Of 5)(Cover A E.J. Su), $3.99
Mech Strike Monster Hunters #4 (Of 5)(Cover B Kei Zama), AR
Moon Knight Epic Collection Volume 4 Butcher’s Moon TP, $39.99
New Mutants #30 (Cover A Rafael De Latorre), $5.99
New Mutants #30 (Cover B Bob McLeod), AR
New Mutants #30 (Cover C Bill Sienkiewicz), AR
New Mutants #30 (Cover D Rob Liefeld), AR
New Mutants #30 (Cover E Rod Reis Design Variant), AR
New Mutants #30 (Cover F Leonardo Romero Marvel’s Voices Community Variant), AR
Peter Porker The Spectacular Spider-Ham The Complete Collection Volume 2 TP, $34.99
Star Wars Darth Vader #27 (Cover A Rahzzah), $3.99
Star Wars Darth Vader #27 (Cover B Giuseppe Camuncoli), AR
Star Wars Darth Vader #27 (Cover C Chris Sprouse Choose Your Destiny Variant), AR
Star Wars The Mandalorian #3 (Cover A David Baldeon), $4.99
Star Wars The Mandalorian #3 (Cover B Ryan Stegman), AR
Star Wars The Mandalorian #3 (Cover C Georges Jeanty), AR
Star Wars The Mandalorian #3 (Cover D Concept Art Variant), AR
Strange #6 (Cover A Lee Garbett), $3.99
Strange #6 (Cover B Javier Rodriguez Beyond Amazing Spider-Man Variant), AR
Strange #6 (Cover C Leonardo Romero Marvel’s Voices Community Variant), AR
Ultraman The Mystery Of Ultraseven #2 (Of 5)(Cover A E.J. Su), $3.99
Ultraman The Mystery Of Ultraseven #2 (Of 5)(Cover B Tom Reilly), AR
X-Men Legends #2 (Cover A Kaare Andrews), $3.99
X-Men Legends #2 (Cover B Jim Rugg), AR
X-Men Unlimited X-Men Green #2 (Of 2)(Cover A Emilio Lasio), $5.99
X-Terminators #1 (Of 5)(Cover A Federico Vicentini), $4.99
X-Terminators #1 (Of 5)(Cover B Arthur Adams), AR
X-Terminators #1 (Of 5)(Cover C Tom Muller Muller Design Variant), AR
X-Terminators #1 (Of 5)(Cover D Skottie Young), AR
X-Terminators #1 (Of 5)(Cover E InHyuk Lee), AR
X-Terminators #1 (Of 5)(Cover F Terry Dodson), AR

Cradle Of Filth #3 (Cover A Meghan Hetrick), $6.66
Cradle Of Filth #3 (Cover B Briana Mora Angels & Devils Variant), AR
Cradle Of Filth #3 (Cover C Succubus Action Figure Variant), AR
Crystal Planet #3 (Of 5)(Cover A Santi Casas), $4.99
Crystal Planet #3 (Of 5)(Cover B Carlos Cabrera Video Game Homage Variant), AR
Crystal Planet #3 (Of 5)(Cover C Joe Satriani), AR
Evanescence Echoes From The Void #2 (Cover A Abigail Larson), $4.99
Evanescence Echoes From The Void #2 (Cover B Claudia Gironi Angels & Devils Variant), AR
Evanescence Echoes From The Void #2 (Cover C Siya Oum), AR

Azza The Barbed #1 (Of 5)(Cover A Rio Burton), $4.99
Azza The Barbed #1 (Of 5)(Cover B Liana Kangas), AR
Code 45 #3 (Of 5), $4.99
Eternus #1 (Cover A Rob Prior), $5.99
Eternus #1 (Cover B Bob Kehl), AR
Eternus #1 (Cover C Tehani Farr), AR

Heaven’s Reject #1 (Cover A Alex Monik), $3.99
Heaven’s Reject #1 (Cover B Jason Westlake), $3.99
Little Red Ronin #3 (Cover A Kit Wallis), $4.99
Little Red Ronin #3 (Cover B Kit Wallis Thank You Variant)(not verified by Diamond Distribution), AR
Monstrous Book Of The Dead #4 (Of 4), $3.99
Sham Comics Volume 2 #6 (Of 6), $4.00
Yuki Vs Panda #11, $3.99

Rivers Of London Deadly Ever After #4 (Cover A David M. Buisan), $3.99
Rivers Of London Deadly Ever After #4 (Cover B Abigail Harding), $3.99
Star Trek Explorer The Official Magazine #4 (Newsstand Cover), $9.99
Star Trek Explorer The Official Magazine #4 (Previews Exclusive Cover), $9.99

Bloodshot Unleashed #1 (Cover A Jon Davis-Hunt), $3.99
Bloodshot Unleashed #1 (Cover B Nicole Rifkin), $3.99
Bloodshot Unleashed #1 (Cover C Pete Woods), $3.99
Bloodshot Unleashed #1 (Cover D Action Figure Variant), $3.99

Barbaric Axe To Grind #1 (2nd Printing Cover A Tim Daniel)(not verified by Diamond Distribution), $4.99
Barbaric Axe To Grind #2 (Cover A Nathan Gooden), $4.99
Barbaric Axe To Grind #2 (Cover B Corin Howell), $4.99
Last Book You’ll Ever Read Complete Series TP, $19.99
Quests Aside #5 (Cover A Elena Gogou), $4.99
Quests Aside #5 (Cover B Michael Dialynas), $4.99

Alice In Borderland Volume 3 GN, $19.99
Beastars Volume 20 GN, $12.99
Crazy Food Truck Volume 2 GN, $12.99
Golden Kamuy Volume 27 GN, $12.99
Hayate The Combat Butler Volume 40 GN, $9.99
Legend Of Zelda Twilight Princess Volume 10 GN, $9.99
Look Back GN, $12.99
Maison Ikkoku Collector’s Edition Volume 9 TP, $24.99
Seraph Of The End Vampire Reign Volume 25 GN, $9.99
Spy x Family Volume 8 GN, $9.99

Belle Hunt Of The Centaurs #1 (Cover A Geebo Vigonte), $5.99
Belle Hunt Of The Centaurs #1 (Cover B Igor Vitorino), $5.99
Belle Hunt Of The Centaurs #1 (Cover C Tristan Thompson), $5.99
Belle Hunt Of The Centaurs #1 (Cover D Davi Go), $5.99
Van Helsing Flesh Of My Blood #1 (Cover A Jeff Spokes), $5.99
Van Helsing Flesh Of My Blood #1 (Cover B Igor Vitorino), $5.99
Van Helsing Flesh Of My Blood #1 (Cover C Michael DiPascale), $5.99
Van Helsing Flesh Of My Blood #1 (Cover D Nei Ruffino), $5.99


Yu-Gi-Oh 2022 Tin Pharaohs Gods, $21.99

Dragon Ball GT Tag Fighters Super Saiyan 4 Son Goku Figure, AR
Dragon Ball GT Tag Fighters Super Saiyan 4 Vegeta Figure, AR
Dragon Ball Super Grandista Nero Goku Black Figure, AR
Dungeons And Dragons D12 Light, AR
Jujutsu Kaisen Mappa Showcase Satoru Gojo 1/7 Scale PVC Figure, AR
My Hero Academia Amazing Heroes V16 Lemillion Figure, AR
My Hero Academia Amazing Heroes V16 Nejire Hado Figure, AR
One Piece Grandline Men Wano V19 Trafalgar Law DXF Figure, AR
One Piece Grandline Wano Country V1 Roronoa Zoro DXF Figure, AR
One Piece Grandline Wano V1 Kouzuki Momonosuke Figure, AR
One Piece Sweet Style Pirates Nico Robin Figure (Version A), AR
One Piece World Colosseum 3 Super Stars Luffy Gear4 Figure (2D Version), AR
POP Doctor Strange In The Multiverse Of Madness Captain Carter Vinyl Figure, AR
POP Doctor Strange In The Multiverse Of Madness Dead Strange Vinyl Figure, AR
POP Doctor Strange In The Multiverse Of Madness Sinister Strange Vinyl Figure, AR
POP Heroes DC Pride Harley Quinn Vinyl Figure, AR
POP Heroes DC Pride Poison Ivy Vinyl Figure, AR
POP Heroes DC Pride Robin Vinyl Figure, AR
POP Marvel Thor Love And Thunder Korg Vinyl Figure, AR
POP Moment Doctor Strange In The Multiverse Of Madness Deadstrange And Scarlet Witch Figure, AR
POP Movies Black Adam Atom Smasher Vinyl Figure, AR
POP Movies Black Adam Black Adam Flying Vinyl Figure, AR
POP Movies Black Adam Black Adam Lighting With Chase Vinyl Figure, AR
POP Movies Black Adam Cyclone Vinyl Figure, AR
POP Movies Black Adam Dr Fate Vinyl Figure, AR
POP Movies Carrie Telekenesis Vinyl Figure, AR
POP Movies Trick R Treat Sam Vinyl Figure, AR
POP Rides Super Deluxe Black Adam Hawkman Cruiser Figure, AR
POP TV Ms. Marvel Bruno Vinyl Figure, AR
POP TV Ms. Marvel Kamala Khan Vinyl Figure, AR
Stranger Things Hellfire Metal Water Bottle, AR
Vinyl Soda Star Wars Stormtrooper With Chase Vinyl Figure, AR
Vinyl Soda Star Wars Vader With Chase Vinyl Figure, AR

Posted by Sara
Tags: blog Reviews