CC Blogger - New Arrivals @ Collectors Corner : Wednesday 4/21/21
Collectors Corner Parkville - HQ : OPEN for IN STORE SHOPPING with Strong Safety Measures in Place (Hand Sanitizing Stations, Masks Required for All, Social Distancing Required, Limited Capacity, CURBSIDE Pick Up Optional) - According to Baltimore County Guidelines. 1-410-668-3353.
CC Parkville - 2020/2021 STORE HOURS, Sunday 12-6, Mon-Tues 12-7, Wed 9-8, Thurs 11-7, Friday & Saturday 11-8
Collectors Corner - Bel Air Outpost Location : OPEN for IN STORE SHOPPING with Strong Safety Measures in Place (Hand Sanitizing Stations, Masks Required for All, Social Distancing Required, Limited Capacity, CURBSIDE Pick Up Optional) - According to Harford County Guidelines. 1-410-838-1777.
CC Bel Air - 2020/2021 STORE HOURS, Sunday 11-5, Monday/Tuesday - Closed, Wednesday 11-8, Thursday 11-7, Friday/Saturday 11-8
Complete list of items shipping to the stores, some items may be limited in availability. If you see anything you want to purchase on the list and are not a subscription member at Collectors Corner, just contact us and let us know if you want an item held at the stores. email - [email protected]
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Bel Air, MD 21014
Gung-Ho Sexy Beast #4 (Cover A Kael Ngu), $3.99
Markiplier #3 (Of 4)(Cover B Admira
Bequest #2, $4.99
Girls Of Dimension 13 #1 (Cover B Graham Nolan), AR
Girls Of Dimension 13 #1 (Cover A Bret Blevins), $4.99
Knock Em Dead #5, $3.99
Mann’s World #4, $3.99
Vietnam Horror #2, $3.99
You Promised Me Darkness #1 (Cover A Damian Connelly Sebastian Variant), $3.99
You Promised Me Darkness #1 (Cover B Damian Connelly Yuko Variant), $3.99
You Promised Me Darkness #1 (Cover C Damian Connelly Cordelia Variant), $3.99
You Promised Me Darkness #1 (Cover D Damian Connelly Prism Variant), $3.99
You Promised Me Darkness #1 (Cover E Damian Connelly Anti-Everything Variant), $3.99
You Promised Me Darkness #1 (Cover F Luisina Modica Nude Variant), $3.99
You Promised Me Darkness #1 (Cover G Ana Shadowcat Nuria Variant), AR
Alice In Leatherland #1 (Cover A Elisa Romboli), $3.99
Alice In Leatherland #1 (Cover B Iolanda Zanfardino), AR
Alice In Leatherland #1 (Cover C Elisa Romboli Black & White Variant), AR
Buffy The Vampire Slayer Volume 5 SC (not verified by Diamond), $14.99
Firefly A Brand New ‘Verse #2 (Of 6)(Cover A Qistina Khalidah), $4.99
Firefly A Brand New ‘Verse #2 (Of 6)(Cover B Veronica Fish), $4.99
Firefly A Brand New ‘Verse #2 (Of 6)(Cover C David Lafuente), AR
Guerilla Green GN, $16.99
Jim Henson’s The Storyteller Tricksters #2 (Of 4)(Cover A Peach Momoko), $4.99
Jim Henson’s The Storyteller Tricksters #2 (Of 4)(Cover B Dani Pendergast), $4.99
Jim Henson’s The Storyteller Tricksters #2 (Of 4)(Cover C Peach Momoko Virgin Variant), AR
Luna #3 (Of 5)(Cover A Maria Llovet), $3.99
Luna #3 (Of 5)(Cover B Kris Anka), $3.99
Luna #3 (Of 5)(Cover B Kris Anka Virgin Variant), AR
Many Deaths Of Laila Starr #1 (Of 5)(Cover A Filipe Andrade), $3.99
Many Deaths Of Laila Starr #1 (Of 5)(Cover B David Mack Death Foil Variant), $4.99
Many Deaths Of Laila Starr #1 (Of 5)(Cover C Anand RK), AR
Many Deaths Of Laila Starr #1 (Of 5)(Cover D David Mack Eternal Death Foil Virgin Variant), AR
Many Deaths Of Laila Starr #1 (Of 5)(Cover E David Mack Black Death Foil Virgin Variant), AR
Many Deaths Of Laila Starr #1 (Of 5)(Cover F Anand RK Virgin Variant), AR
Mighty Morphin #1 Power Rangers #1 Limited Edition HC, $24.99
Orcs #3 (Of 5)(Cover A Christine Larsen), $4.99
Orcs #3 (Of 5)(Cover B Sweeney Boo), $4.99
Orcs #3 (Of 5)(Cover C Jonboy Meyers), AR
Power Rangers #6 (Cover A Matteo Scalera), $3.99
Power Rangers #6 (Cover B Daniele di Nicuolo Legacy Variant), $3.99
Power Rangers #6 (Cover D Matteo Scalera Virgin Variant), AR
Power Rangers #6 (Cover E Daniele di Nicuolo Legacy Virgin Variant), AR
Power Rangers #6 (Cover F Goni Montes), AR
Power Rangers #6 (Cover G Goni Montes Virgin Variant), AR
Power Rangers Unlimited Heir To The Darkness #1 (Dan Mora 2nd Printing Variant Cover), $7.99
Specter Inspectors #1 (Of 5)(Kaitlyn Musto 2nd Printing Variant Cover), $4.99
Specter Inspectors #3 (Of 5)(Cover A Bowen McCurdy), $4.99
Specter Inspectors #3 (Of 5)(Cover B Erica Henderson Pocket Book Variant), $4.99
Specter Inspectors #3 (Of 5)(Cover C Bowen McCurdy Virgin Variant), AR
Wynd Volume 1 The Flight Of The Prince HC (Comic Book Shop Exclusive Hardcover Edition), $19.99
Comic Shop News #1757, AR
Art Of Mass Effect Trilogy Expanded Edition HC, $39.99
Assassin’s Creed Valhalla Song Of Glory HC, $19.99
Avatar The Last Airbender The Rift Omnibus TP, $24.99
Cojacaru The Skinner #1 (Of 2)(Cover A Peter Bergting), $3.99
Cojacaru The Skinner #1 (Of 2)(Cover B Peter Bergting), $3.99
Complete Emily The Strange All Things Strange HC (2nd Edition), $29.99
Crimson Flower #4 (Of 4)(Cover A Matt Lesniewski), $3.99
Crimson Flower #4 (Of 4)(Cover B Tyler Bence), $3.99
Disney Tangled The Story Of The Movie In Comics HC, $10.99
Lady Baltimore The Witch Queens #2 (Of 5)(Cover A Abigail Larson), $3.99
Orphan And The Five Beasts #2 (Of 4)(Cover A James Stokoe), $3.99
World Of Black Hammer Library Edition Volume 2 HC, $49.99
Batman Creature Of The Night TP, $19.99
Batman Fortnite Zero Point #1 (Cover A Mikel Janin), $4.99
Batman Fortnite Zero Point #1 (Cover B Kenneth Rocafort Card Stock Variant), AR
Batman Fortnite Zero Point #1 (Cover C Donald Mustard Premium Variant A), AR
Batman Vs Ra’s al Ghul #6 (Of 6)(Cover A Neal Adams), $3.99
Catwoman #30 (Cover A Joelle Jones), $3.99
Catwoman #30 (Cover B Jenny Frison Card Stock Variant), AR
Dark Nights Death Metal The Darkest Knight TP, $19.99
Flash #769 (Cover A Brandon Peterson), $3.99
Flash #769 (Cover B Zi Xu Card Stock Variant), AR
Flashpoint The 10th Anniversary Omnibus HC, $150.00
Justice League #60 (Cover A David Marquez), $4.99
Justice League #60 (Cover B Kael Ngu Card Stock Variant), AR
MAD Magazine #19, $5.99
Nightwing #79 (Cover A Bruno Redondo), $3.99
Nightwing #79 (Cover B Jamal Campbell Card Stock Variant), AR
Scooby-Doo Where Are You #109 (Cover A Derek Fridolfs), $2.99
Superman Red And Blue #2 (Of 6)(Cover A Nicola Scott), $5.99
Superman Red And Blue #2 (Of 6)(Cover B Brian Bolland), AR
Superman Red And Blue #2 (Of 6)(Cover C David Choe), AR
Superman Up In The Sky TP, $16.99
Truth And Justice #3 (Cover A Doug Braithwaite), $4.99
Truth And Justice #3 (Cover B Joshua Sway Swaby), AR
Wonder Woman Volume 4 The Four Horsewomen TP, $29.99
James Bond Agent Of Spectre #1 (Christos Gage Atlas Comics Signature Edition), AR
Red Sonja #26 (Cover A Jae Lee), $3.99
Red Sonja #26 (Cover B Joseph Michael Linsner), $3.99
Red Sonja #26 (Cover C Brent Peeples), $3.99
Red Sonja #26 (Cover D Alessandro Miracolo), $3.99
Red Sonja #26 (Cover E Gracie The Cosplay Lass Cosplay Variant), $3.99
Sacred Six #8 (Cover A Lucio Parrillo), $3.99
Sacred Six #8 (Cover B Stephane Roux), $3.99
Sacred Six #8 (Cover C Jay Anacleto), $3.99
Sacred Six #8 (Cover D Madibek Musabekov), $3.99
Sacred Six #8 (Cover E Ken Haeser), $3.99
Sacred Six #8 (Cover F Madibek Musabekov Black & White Variant), AR
Sacred Six #8 (Cover G Julius Ohta), AR
Vengeance Of Vampirella #17 (Cover A Lucio Parrillo), $3.99
Vengeance Of Vampirella #17 (Cover B Ben Oliver), $3.99
Vengeance Of Vampirella #17 (Cover C Stephen Segovia), $3.99
Vengeance Of Vampirella #17 (Cover D Sarah Stalcup Cosplay Variant), $3.99
Vengeance Of Vampirella #17 (Cover E Stephen Segovia Black & White Virgin Variant), AR
Vengeance Of Vampirella #17 (Cover F Michael Sta. Maria), AR
Deep Red #1 (Facsimile Edition), $12.95
Bernie Wrightson’s Frankenstein SC, $19.99
Taarna #5 (Of 6), $3.99
HorrorHound #88, $6.99
G.I. Joe A Real American Hero Serpentor Uncoiled #1 (Cover A S. L. Gallant), $5.99
Godzilla Monsters And Protectors #1 (Of 5)(Cover A Dan Schoening, $4.99
Godzilla Monsters And Protectors #1 (Of 5)(Cover B Photo), $4.99
Godzilla Monsters And Protectors #1 (Of 5)(Cover C Vic Hollins), AR
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #116 (Cover A Sophie Campbell, $3.99
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #116 (Cover B Kevin Eastman), $3.99
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #116 (Cover C Juni Ba), AR
Usagi Yojimbo #19 (Cover A Stan Sakai), $3.99
Usagi Yojimbo #19 (Cover B Freddie E. Williams II), AR
Voyage To The Stars #4 (Of 4)(Cover A Peach Momoko), $3.99
Voyage To The Stars #4 (Of 4)(Cover B Connie Daidone), $3.99
Voyage To The Stars #4 (Of 4)(Cover C Connie Daidone Black & White Variant), AR
Die!Die!Die! Volume 2 TP, $16.99
Geiger #1 (Cover E Gary Frank Glow In The Dark Variant), $3.99
Haha #4 (Of 6)(Cover A Patrick Horvath), $3.99
Haha #4 (Of 6)(Cover B Michael Shea), $3.99
Monstress #33, $3.99
Moonshine #24, $3.99
Nomen Omen #14 (Of 15)(Cover A Jacopo Camagni), $3.99
Nomen Omen #14 (Of 15)(Cover B Matteo Scalera), $3.99
Old Guard Tales Through Time #1 (Of 6)(Cover A Leandro Fernandez), $3.99
Old Guard Tales Through Time #1 (Of 6)(Cover B Jacopo Camagni), $3.99
Old Guard Tales Through Time #1 (Of 6)(Cover C Leandro Fernandez Battlefield Variant), $3.99
Post Americana #5 (Of 6), $3.99
Radiant Black #2 (Tom Reilly 2nd Printing Variant Cover), $3.99
Radiant Black #3 (Cover A Marcello Costa), $3.99
Radiant Black #3 (Cover B Becca Carey), $3.99
Radiant Black #3 (Cover C Goni Montes), $3.99
Rain Like Hammers #4 (Of 5), $4.99
Stray Dogs #3 (Cover A Trish Forstner & Tony Fleecs), $3.99
Stray Dogs #3 (Cover B Trish Forstner & Tony Fleecs Horror Movie Variant), $3.99
Ultramega By James Harren #1 (James Harren 2nd Printing Black & White Virgin Variant Cover), AR
Ultramega By James Harren #1 (James Harren 2nd Printing Variant Cover), $7.99
Ultramega By James Harren #2 (Cover A James Harren), $7.99
Ultramega By James Harren #2 (Cover B Ian Bertram), $7.99
Ultramega By James Harren #2 (Cover C Ian Bertram Black & White Virgin Variant), AR
Ultramega By James Harren #2 (Cover D James Harren Black & White Virgin Variant), AR
Walking Dead Deluxe #13 (Cover A David Finch & Dave McCaig), $3.99
Walking Dead Deluxe #13 (Cover B Tony Moore & Dave McCaig), $3.99
Walking Dead Deluxe #13 (Cover C Julian Totino Tedesco), $3.99
Walking Dead Deluxe #13 (Cover D Dave Rapoza Connecting Variant), $3.99
Knights Of The Dinner Table #282, $6.99
Pantomime #6 (Of 6), $3.99
Alien #2 (Cover A InHyuk Lee), $3.99
Alien #2 (Cover B Stephanie Hans), AR
Alien #2 (Cover C Carlos Pacheco), AR
Amazing Spider-Man #64 (Cover A Mark Bagley), $3.99
Amazing Spider-Man #64 (Cover B Carlos Pacheco Reborn Variant), AR
Avengers #45 (Cover A Cory Smith), $3.99
Avengers #45 (Cover B Carlos Pacheco Reborn Variant), AR
Black Knight Curse Of The Ebony Blade #2 (Of 5)(Cover A Iban Coello), $3.99
Black Knight Curse Of The Ebony Blade #2 (Of 5)(Cover B Stephanie Hans Legend Of The Black Knight Variant), AR
Black Knight Curse Of The Ebony Blade #2 (Of 5)(Cover C Ron Lim), AR
Black Widow By Kelly Thompson Volume 1 The Ties That Bind TP, $15.99
Captain Marvel #28 (Cover A Marco Checchetto), $3.99
Captain Marvel #28 (Cover B Belen Ortega), AR
Captain Marvel #28 (Cover C Carlos Pacheco Reborn Variant), AR
Captain Marvel Volume 5 The New World TP, $15.99
Carnage Black White And Blood #2 (Of 4)(Cover A Marco Checchetto), $4.99
Carnage Black White And Blood #2 (Of 4)(Cover B Kyle Hotz), AR
Carnage Black White And Blood #2 (Of 4)(Cover C Peach Momoko), AR
Champions #6 (Cover A Toni Infante), $3.99
Champions #6 (Cover B Carlos Pacheco Reborn Variant), AR
Dawn Of X Volume 15 TP, $17.99
Deadpool By Joe Kelly The Complete Collection Volume 2 TP, $39.99
Eternals #4 (Cover A Esad Ribic), $3.99
Eternals #4 (Cover B Stephanie Hans), AR
Eternals #4 (Cover C Esad Ribic Design Variant), AR
Eternals #4 (Cover D Todd Nauck Headshot Variant), AR
Immortal Hulk By Alex Ross Poster Book TP, $24.99
Man-Thing By Steve Gerber The Complete Collection Volume 3 TP, $44.99
Marvel Masterworks The Black Panther Volume 3 HC (Book Market Edition), $75.00
Marvel Masterworks The Black Panther Volume 3 HC (Direct Market Variant Edition Volume 303), $75.00
Marvel Masterworks The Mighty Thor Volume 20 HC (Book Market Edition), $75.00
Marvel Masterworks The Mighty Thor Volume 20 HC (Direct Market Variant Edition Volume 304), $75.00
Mighty Valkyries #1 (Of 5)(Cover A Mattia De Iulis), $4.99
Mighty Valkyries #1 (Of 5)(Cover B Russell Dauterman), AR
Mighty Valkyries #1 (Of 5)(Cover C Todd Nauck Headshot Variant), AR
Mighty Valkyries #1 (Of 5)(Cover D Carlos Pacheco Reborn Variant), AR
Mighty Valkyries #1 (Of 5)(Cover E Mahmud A. Asrar), AR
Mighty Valkyries #1 (Of 5)(Cover F Skottie Young), AR
S.W.O.R.D. #5 (Cover A Valerio Schiti), $3.99
S.W.O.R.D. #5 (Cover B Stefano Caselli), AR
Spider-Man By Roger Stern Omnibus HC (New Printing)(John Romita Jr. Spider-Man Hobgoblin Book Market Cover), $125.00
Spider-Man By Roger Stern Omnibus HC (New Printing)(John Romita Jr. Spider-Man Hobgoblin Unmasked Direct Market Cover), $125.00
Spider-Woman #11 (Cover A Junggeun Yoon), $3.99
Spider-Woman #11 (Cover B Pere Perez), AR
Spider-Woman #11 (Cover C Carlos Pacheco Reborn Variant), AR
Star Wars Doctor Aphra #9 (Cover A Joshua Sway Swaby), $3.99
Star Wars Doctor Aphra #9 (Cover B Ray-Anthony Height), AR
Thunderbolts Omnibus Volume 1 HC (Mark Bagley Annual Direct Market Cover), $125.00
Thunderbolts Omnibus Volume 1 HC (Mark Bagley First Issue Book Market Cover), $125.00
Trials Of Ultraman #2 (Of 5)(Cover A Arthur Adams), $3.99
Trials Of Ultraman #2 (Of 5)(Cover B Arthur Adams Kaiju Variant), AR
Trials Of Ultraman #2 (Of 5)(Cover C Photo), AR
Way Of X #1 (Cover A Giuseppe Camuncoli), $4.99
Way Of X #1 (Cover B Terry Dodson), AR
Way Of X #1 (Cover C Federico Vicentini Wraparound Variant), AR
Way Of X #1 (Cover D Tom Muller Design Variant), AR
Way Of X #1 (Cover E Skottie Young), AR
Women Of Marvel #1 (Cover A Sara Pichelli), $5.99
Women Of Marvel #1 (Cover B Maria Wolf), AR
Women Of Marvel #1 (Cover C Peach Momoko), AR
Women Of Marvel #1 (Cover D Amanda Conner), AR
X-Factor Epic Collection Volume 3 Angel Of Death TP, $39.99
X-Force #19, $3.99
Jonna And The Unpossible Monsters #2 (Cover A Chris Samnee), $3.99
Jonna And The Unpossible Monsters #2 (Cover B Andy Suriano), $3.99
Underfoot Volume 2 Into The Sun TP (not verified by Diamond), $14.99
Unikorn #1, $1.99
C.H.E.S.S. #1 (Of 5)(Cover A JC Fabul), $3.99
C.H.E.S.S. #1 (Of 5)(Cover B JC Fabul Wraparound Virgin Variant), AR
Aliens Infiltrator HC, $16.00
Blade Runner Origins #3 (Cover A Angel Hernandez), $3.99
Blade Runner Origins #3 (Cover B Robert Hack), $3.99
Blade Runner Origins #3 (Cover C Fernando Dagnino), $3.99
Knights Of Heliopolis HC, $39.99
Hobby Japan February 2021, $20.00
Megami January 2021, $20.00
Newtype January 2021, $20.00
Alter Ego #169, $9.95
Back Issue #126, $9.95
BrickJournal #67, $9.95
RetroFan Magazine #14, $9.95
I Walk With Monsters #5 (Cover A Sally Cantirino), $3.99
I Walk With Monsters #5 (Cover B Jen Hickman), $3.99
Resonant #9, $3.99
My Boy Volume 7 GN, $12.95
Ultraman Volume 15 GN, $12.99
Belle Thunder Of Gods #1 (One Shot)(Cover D John Royle Evil Wendy Variant), $10.00
Belle Thunder Of Gods #1 (One Shot)(Cover E Michael Dooney Skye Variant), $20.00
Belle Thunder Of Gods #1 (One Shot)(Cover F Michael Dooney Skye Lingerie Variant), $40.00
Belle Thunder Of Gods #1 (One Shot)(Cover G Michael Dooney Skye Risque Variant), $75.00
Grimm Spotlight Mystere Voodoo Dawn #1 (Cover A Igor Vitorino), $5.99
Grimm Spotlight Mystere Voodoo Dawn #1 (Cover B Edgar Salazar), $5.99
Grimm Spotlight Mystere Voodoo Dawn #1 (Cover C David Nakayama), $5.99
Dungeons And Dragons Icons Realms Premium Figure Adult Blue Dragon, AR
Games – PAIZO
Pathfinder Adventuer Path Abomination Vaults Volume 2, AR
Dungeons And Dragons Role Playing Game Candlekeep Mysteries HC, AR
Alien ReAction Figure 12 Piece Blind Mystery Box, AR
Alien Super Bucket Xenomorph, AR
Alien Super Soapies Kane With Facehugger, AR
Alien Super Soapies Xenomorph, AR
Alien Wave 3 Dallas Blue Card ReAction Figure, AR
Apex Legends 6 Inch Action Figure Wave 3 Assortment, AR
Bill And Ted’s Bogus Journey Bill 5 Inch Action Figure, AR
Bill And Ted’s Bogus Journey Ted 5 Inch Action Figure, AR
Bill And Ted’s Excellent Adventure Phone Booth Vehicle With Bill, AR
Mini Epics Alien Ellen Ripley Vinyl Figure, AR
Mini Epics Alien Facehugger Vinyl Figure, AR
Super 7 Alien Ripley Pint Glass, AR
Super 7 Alien Xenomorph Pint Glass, AR
World’s Smallest Garbage Pail Kids Figure Inner Case Assortment, AR